Welcome to Capital Area Counseling
Low-Cost, High-Quality No Session Limit Therapy
Low-Cost, High-Quality No Session Limit Therapy
We're looking forward to meeting with you. But first, it is imperative that all consent forms be completed prior to you being added to our waitlist. You will need to click on the forms tab upon entering your client portal to complete ALL required documents. Services cannot begin until this step is complete.
Created in response to a growing need for quality mental health services at an affordable price, Capital Area Counseling (CAC) in Austin, TX has been providing low-cost, effective, and accessible psychotherapy since 1980.
The button below will direct you to your TheraNest Client Portal login screen. Once logged in, you can make a payment on your account, update a payment method, check your upcoming appointment schedule, and see your appointment history.
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CAC is funded by local private foundations, fundraising efforts, individual donations, and client fees. All donations help us to help others in our community who are in need of high quality low cost counseling. Contributions to CAC are tax deductible.